Thank you for submitting an artifact!

Please find some additional information on the USENIX Security '21 Call for Artifacts and the USENIX Security '21 Artifact Evaluation Information.

Your artifact package must include an obvious "README" that describes your artifact and provides a road map for evaluation. The README should contain or point to suitable instructions and documentation, to save committee members the burden of reverse-engineering the authors' intentions. (A tool without a quick tutorial is generally very difficult to use. Similarly, a dataset is useless without some explanation on how to browse the data.) For software artifacts, the README should—at a minimum—provide instructions for installing and running the software on relevant inputs. For other types of artifacts, describe your artifact and detail how to "use" it in a meaningful way.

Here are a few additional resources to prepare your artifact for evaluation:

Welcome to the 30th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security '21 Winter Artifact Evaluation) submissions site.


The deadline for registering submissions has passed.